My Top 5 Christmas Films

 Welcome to my next '12 Days of Blogmas' post. Today I'm going to share a little about my favourite Christmas films and why I love them. 

If you missed yesterday's post, you can read it here (it's a real nostalgia trip): My favourite Christmas Gifts from the 90s

My tastes have definitely changed over the years - when I was younger I always loved Santa Claus the Movie and Miracle on 34th Street but although I still like them, they no longer make my top 5 films. It's also interesting that although I do enjoy some of the newer films like The Christmas Chronicles, they aren't my absolute favourites either. 

My Top 5 Christmas Films

It's A Wonderful Life

Now I am a bit of a late comer to watching It's A Wonderful Life. I first watched it in 2017 when we were spent Christmas in a Cottage. I had kind of been put off in the past as it's an older film (1946) and black and white. I just didn't think it was my kind of thing but Steve convinced me to watch it and I'm so pleased I did. 

We now watch it every year with Harry and it's a lovely new tradition. 

The story follows frustrated businessman George Bailey whose life has not turned out as he expected. An angel is sent from heaven to show him how life would be if he had never existed and that actually, despite what he thinks, George has actually led a wonderful life and made a real difference to many people.

This film has such a lovely message at the heart of it and leaves you leaving forever thankful for what you already have. It's a lovely one to snuggle on the sofa and watch together. I can't wait for our 2022 viewing. 

A Muppet Christmas Carol 

I'm a big fan of A Christmas Carol and will pretty much watch any version but I do think that the muppet version is the best. The songs are just SO catchy and the characters are so realistic - you almost forget they are puppets. It's a brilliant one to watch with the whole family. It's a film that always leaves a smile on my face. 

Our dog Fozzy is named after Fozzy Bear who appears in the film so we are even more excited to watch along with him this year. 

Home Alone

Is it even Christmas if you don't watch Home Alone? I think this film has really stood the test of time and after being enjoyed in my own childhood, I still love it just as much now as do my own kids. We always laugh out loud at this one and then have the same conversations every year about how you would realise if you were missing a child at the airport and what we'd get up to if we were left at home alone like this. 

This year we have actually booked to see this at the cinema with the extended family and my nephew who we say is just like a mini Kevin. Can't wait. 

The Holiday 

Lots of people aren't fans of The Holiday. It is super cheesy, very predictable and a tad unrealistic. BUT for me, it is a classic and easy Christmas watch with a star cast and lots of beautiful Christmas scenes. It's the kind of film that really provides escapism and it's usually one I watch alone when I need an afternoon to myself. 

Love Actually 

Now this film does have it's faults (including Andrew Lincoln being a stalker and it's all ok) and it is pretty cheesy but I still love it. The cast is all star, it's set at Christmas time, it has a wonderful soundtrack and it leaves you feeling all warm and fuzzy. 

I always cry at several points during this film but the main part is when Emma Thompson straightens her bed. OMG! What a scene. It always gets me and breaks my heart. A good film to watch if you need to let it all out. I do not understand how others can watch this scene and not cry. My other favourite scene is the present buying scene when Rowan Atkinson is at this best. 

Would any of my top 5 films make your list? Let me know x 


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